Monday, March 24, 2014

Living Room, Setting the Mood

As promised, a mood board! This is the direction my living room will be going in. I've seen so many drool worthy rooms on Pinterest, and was tempted to just start from scratch and try to copy a room for less (Does anyone remember that show on HGTV where they would literally copy an inspiration room top to bottom on a budget?!!) But in reality, I already had some big, large statement pieces that I was using, some by choice... others due to compromise with the BF.

Anyone guess his piece? Yup, that gold, embossed velvet easy chair. I must say it has slowly grown on me, but man I would have liked just about anything else as a started point! Plus, getting it to jive with the love of my life, the crazy ikat sette top center, was a little tough.

Then I had a bit of an "ah-ha" moment with I finally framed up my drawing. It had gold, with little teal shoes. And plenty of black, white and gray. I knew I had found my color palette at last! So that's the plan, let's hope it works out like I think it will in my head. (I apologize for the crummy quality of the drawing, I really need to get a camera soon!)

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